Discover Lansdowne Vineyard, where 17.5 Ha of lush, certified organic vineyards yield the finest grapes for exceptional wines offered under the brand Forreston Valley Wines
Lansdowne House was built in 1896, and together with the sculpted cypress hedge, are local landmarks, from which the vineyards take their name.
It's a valley location with terroir that is conducive to growing premium grapes.
We focus on taking care of the living soil and letting mother nature return the favour.
Grapes are supplied to multiple small and medium sized wine producers mainly based in the Adelaide Hills. Amongst these are three MW'S (masters of wine) two of whom have wine distribution companies based in London. Our premium grapes reach diverse wine markets.
From September each year we start to allocate grapes to buyers. We have built friendships as well as a solid customer base of innovative winemakers who value the reliable supply that we provide.
"Terroir, the complete natural environment in which a particular wine is produced including factors such as soil, topography and climate".
Single vineyard wines made from Lansdowne grapes will reflect the individual attributes of this vineyard. Several wineries refer to us on their labels with reference to the soil and microclimate that is evident in the wine. Our terroir is made up by factors including - the red brown topsoil over shaley clay subsoil through to black self mulching clays, - the katarbatic flow of cooling air currents and pooling of cold air in the perched valley. This is particularly advantageous in autumn where the lower night time temperatures extend the ripening. We are one of the latest ripening vineyards in the Adelaide Hills - the overlying cool climate of the Adelaide Hills Wine Region - the mediterranean climate of wet winters and dry warm summers followed by extended mild and dry autumn days.
The grape varieties we have chosen are ideally suited to the terroir and produce grapes of distinctive high quality.
Our Grapes
The varieties we grow are chardonnay, pinot noir, pinot gris, sauvignon blanc, cabernet sauvignon, shiraz, barbera, gruner veltliner and gamay.
All grapes are hand picked to respect the premium quality and to ensure the winemakers have the best undamaged fruit to craft their wine.
Certified Organic
We prioritise looking after soil health by not applying any artificial fertilisers or chemicals. The focus is on the relationship between healthy living soil and premium grapes. Long term sustainability through protection of our environment is our priority.
We have been growing grapes organically from 2018 and are certified organic by Southern Cross Certified.
Our wine label is Forreston Valley Wines Contact Brendan on 0419 821 124